Siccome la soddisfazione di nostri pazienti è la nostra priorità, cerchiamo sempre di facilitare il vostro percorso verso la meta desiderata. In base alle ricerche regolari, abbiamo giunto dei ottimi risultati che superano i 98% di pazienti soddisfatti.
Ringrazio con tutto il cuore IVF Cube per avermi donato il mio bimbo sano e davvero bellissimo, dono di Dio!?
Mi sono innamorata di lui al primo sguardo e a pochi ore dal parto, eravamo inseparabili.
IVF ha ricercato in breve tempo i donatori affini alle nostre caratteristiche, mi ha seguito con attenzione, cura e tempestività nella fase di preparazione
dell'endometrio, Lo staff medico mi ha spiegato chiaramente il risultato dell'embriodonazione e la strategia di impianto adatta al mio stato, e la coordinatrice, in un italiano perfetto, e' stata presente e rincuorante e straordinariamente disponibile e gentile. Voto massimo anche alla modernità e cura di sede e sala operatoria. Il mio bimbo crioconservato è frutto di una sola embriodonazione, quindi è successo tutto molto in fretta. Gravidanza serena e senza complicazioni, nonostante io sia una primipara attempata, che è diventata mamma a 45 anni
Dopo tante delusione, in IVF CUBE, abbiamo trovato competenza, serietà e un approccio mirato alla preparazione dell'endometrio. In IVF CUBE ci si sente persone e non un portafogli da svuotare. La preparazione tecnica è indubbia: non avevo mai avuto prima un endometrio così pronto ad accogliere. Voglio sottolineare anche l'onestà intellettuale con cui il medico si è approcciato alle mie problematiche di poliabortività, suggerendomi subito di rivolgermi ad un immunologo in parallelo alla preparazione della fecondazione. Non tutto può fare l'ICSI e la donazione di gameti, e l'onestà di dirlo è fondamentale. Cosi in un lavoro di squadra tra IVF CUBE e i miei medici italiani sono arrivati al sesto mese di gravidanza. Un risultato eccezionale per me che ho sempre abortito prima del 3 mese. Voglio inoltre ringraziare la Vendula, che è sempre stata super professionale, attenta e gentile senza assumere atteggiamenti inutilmente rassicuranti o da medico. Grazie di cuore.
Arianna e Andrea da Trani
Carissima Vendula,
Volevo informarla che la gravidanza procede molto bene, nei giorni scorsi ho fatto l'ecografia del 1. trimestre, e ieri visita dal mio dottore e tutto va bene. Il bambino cresce. La ringrazio, e ringrazio tutto lo staff della clinica. Vi terrò aggiornati. Grazie mille per aver fatto in modo che il nostro sogno si realizzi.
Con affetto,
Stefania e Vincenzo
We do not have enough words to express our joy, anxiousness and nervousness all together. Well the beta-HCG report from day before show 900 value which means I am positively and definitely pregnant. :) P. and me, we both feel highly elated by support and concern of you and your whole staff and wish to thank you and your team for endless cooperation and concern they had for us. I would like to confess that I have gone through many fertility treatments earlier but this one was undoubtedly the simplest and easiest one as compared to all others. Dr. Hana, your excellence in therapy, sincere counseling, conviction and procedural command was something we both really appreciate. Knowing our complicated history you know that we are still fearful and always hoping and praying that it goes smooth to be a successful one. We wanted to thank you at our first achievement and we would keep informing you of each milestone we cross in this pregnancy. Thankyou! Regards, T. and P. M.,Germany
My other half and I needed a little help to build our family. While at a conception meeting in our city, we heard very positive comments from a couple who had been successful at conceiving with an egg donation thanks to CUBE ivf. The personalised, serious, understanding and gentle way we were dealt with in our correspondence, the guarantees offered convinced us this was the right clinic for us. We were successful at our first ivf and had a beautiful and healthy son born end of 2014 in a natural birth. I used drug free methods and the power of mind for preparation and as pain relief, enhancing the experience of birth and bounding. The whole experience was amazing. Now in our home, you can hear baby cooing noises and giggles, our happiness is complete and joy palpable. We have some blastocysts in cryopreservation and we will probably come back later. The only regret we have is not having done it earlier. Thank you IVF Cube for your professionalism. We are forever grateful to our little star who helped us conceiving. She will be in our thoughts always. I hope the whole team is proud for this success story! We are very happy.
We wanted to tell you that our boy/girl twins were delivered by C section on 15th December! My husband and I have so much to be grateful for. The twins are happy, healthy and thriving and a source of great joy to us both. Before taking the decision to go for a donor egg approach with Cube, we felt we had tried everything and thought that our options had run out. It wasn't an easy decision but we are so glad now! We wanted to thank you and all of the medical and support /administrative staff at Cube for the small miracle that happened for us and resulted in our two beautiful children. Thank you to the entire team for your expertise, professionalism and support throughout. Please pass this email on to everyone involved at Cube. We couldn't be happier and feel very, very blessed. All the best for the future. Lucy R.
Just to let you know that our beautiful son was born in December. He is healthy and well and is 5 weeks old today. We also wanted to say a huge thank you to Hannah and all the staff at the Cube for making our dreams come true. We appreciate all the help and support you have given us over the last few years and wish you continued success. Regards, Michelle
Firstly thank you so much for all of your care, kindness and professionalism when myself and my husband came to Cube recently - you and your team could not have been more welcoming or more lovely to us - and I will never forget that. Danielle S.
- IT'S POSITIVE!!!!!!!! Oh I just can't BELIEVE it!! You and your team are miracle workers!! And our lovely donor, we are thinking of her too and sending her grateful and Happy thoughts. I am literally flying on a cloud here!! We were waiting 20 years for our daughter before we found the Cube and had our Gorgeous little girl! And now with another little one on the way our family is complete and very Happy. I will come down to earth at some stage teehee!! I am well and healthy and all is looking good. We would never have gotten our dreams without you, Dr Hana and The Cube Team. Thank you thank you Dr Hana. Yours, E.R.
I just want to let you know I delivered a healthy and beautiful baby boy (weighing 7lb 2oz) on the 2nd August 2015....Words will never describe what you have done for David and I. We are so happy to have continued our long and heartbreaking IVF journey with Cube. It was all worth it! Thank you so much, Dr Hana, Renata and all your team at Cube for all you have done for our little family. We plan on seeing you again very soon. David, Anita and Baby David