It is by no means uncommon for a diagnosis of infertility to cause a great deal of grief and suffering both to couples longing for pregnancy and to the women themselves. If individuals entering into marriage or a partner relationship have already been informed in advance that they will be unable to have children due to infertility or other serious illness, and if their relationship is therefore primarily focussed on the realisation and satisfaction of goals and needs other than children, serious problems generally do not arise. If, however, pregnancy does not occur for a long period of time for partners who planned on having their own children, and if the desire to have one’s own children is not fulfilled, it is not uncommon for the problem of infertility to enter dramatically into the foreground, leading to the development of stressful situations and even crises. All of this unfavourably impacts both the life of the individual and the harmony of marital coexistence. Sadly, it must be noted that only minimal attention is devoted to the psychological and social effects of this inauspicious diagnosis, and that care in most facilities is focused mostly on the area of physical health. Our modern facility, however, considers specialised care in this area highly pertinent and includes both counselling and psychotherapeutic intervention.
Our approach to work in this area is derived from current global trends and is based on an active interest in the psychosocial and especially emotional needs of our clients. The primary purpose of such activities is to inform our clients about the option for psychosocial assistance during treatment and to integrate any special counselling directly into the course of the treatment in progress on a daily basis as needed. Our specialist counselling is provided and applied not only for the solution of our client’s everyday needs but also for atypical and specific psychosocial needs and issues. We prioritise a holistic approach whose primary purpose is to assist, support, and be integrated into the course of the treatment, which as a result can influence both the psychological and overall state of health of our clients for the purpose of improving and increasing quality of life both for the individual and partner alike. Its goal is therefore especially to limit negative psychosocial reactions and also to help our patients better understand and address their current experience with fertility treatment.
Any of our clients may seek psychological assistance and support without any recommendation from their examining physician. Assistance of this type can generally be recommended to anyone currently experiencing any psychological distress. Expressions of psychological discomfort can be manifested in various ways. For example, people can experience a long-lasting grief, a lack of enjoyment from life, unexplained fatigue, unexplained anxiety or irritability, and even pain in various bodily organs. Pain in the head, back, joints, or digestive tract, for example, are common for states of psychological distress. Often there are conflicts with close family and surroundings as well.
As part of this care we offer our clients specialised assistance in our facility during periods of increased of anxiety, tension, feelings of psychological discomfort or even depression. We further help you to solve various problems in your partner relationships and family conflicts. We also provide counselling pertaining to issues of alternative family care and more.