Infertility Causes

Currently, one in every 5 couples suffer from infertility problems, causing the inability to conceive naturally. It is stated in recent literature that the percentage of infertility problems in 40% of cases are caused by the female partner and in 40% of cases caused by the male partner. In 20% of cases the problem is in both partners.

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When a female partner is experiencing problems, the most common issue is low ovarian reserve or low egg quality. These indications are mainly connected with postponing pregnancy. The egg quality starts to decrease after the age of 30 and after 35 the egg quality and quantity is significantly reduced. At the age of 40, there is only a 5% chance for natural conception. Other reasons may include endometriosis, hormonal malfunction, ovary malfunction which is connected to polycystic ovary syndrome, premature menopause, blocked tubes, abnormal karyotype and a poor diet that results in malnutrition.

When the problem is on the male side, the most common issues are insufficient sperm quality and quantity caused by previous illnesses, use of certain types of medication and also poor diet. Other reasons may include genital injury, abnormal karyotype or hormonal malfunction.


Infertility Investigation

Here at IVF CUBE we perform a standard examination for both partners during the first visit. For female patients we offer an ultrasound scan of the uterus and ovaries, blood testing with regards to the particular day in the cycle and thyroid blood screening. Male partners undergo a sperm analysis. In special cases the doctors may recommend additional testing.

We also offer basic fertility testing for men and women who are not undergoing the treatment at our clinic. It is necessary for this testing to be scheduled, however for these clients we do not require them to undergo a personal consultation. It is possible to schedule the appointment by email or phone.

The Basic Ultrasound Gyneacological Examination

In the framework of the basic gyneacological examination we check the ovaries and uterus. With the help of the examination we can eliminate severe ovarian cysts, endometriosis, inborn defects or endometrial polyps.

Spermiogram Examination

Sperm sampling examination is one of the fundamental methods of assisted reproduction. A sperm analysis is done, which examines the ejaculate for the quality and quantity of the sperm. According to the overall medical history we can determine the treatment strategy and advise the couple.

The sperm analysis parameters are evaluated according the the World Health Organisation (WHO) standards. We compare for example the volume, sperm concentration, motility, sperm morphology and many other various factors which are crucial to the therapeutic plan determination.

The normal values according to WHO are:

Color: grey

Volume: > 1.5ml

Agglutination: 0-1 degree

Concentration: _> 15 mil/ml

Motility: _>40%

Progressive motility: _. 32%

Morphology: _> 4% normal forms


Source: World Health Organisation reference values for human semen characteristics, Human Reproduction Update, Vol.00, No.0 pp 1-15,2009

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