
We consider patient satisfaction our number one priority and that is why we want to make their journey towards a baby as easy and pleasant as possible. Based on regular surveys we have reached an excellent satisfaction rate, exceeding 98%.

Freia and Bernard Freia and Bernard

Freia and Bernard

Freia and Bernard underwent therapy with donated eggs at our clinic, and today they are parents of a beautiful new-born daughter.

Viola & Philipp IVF Story Viola & Philipp IVF Story

Viola & Philipp IVF Story

What are Viola and Philipp's experiences with IVF CUBE treatment? Find out by watching them testify on Video.


Anita & David Sheedy from Ireland Anita & David Sheedy from Ireland

Anita & David Sheedy from Ireland

Patient story testimonial by Anita and David from Ireland who have decided to undergo IVF treatment in the Czech Republic at our IVF CUBE clinic Prague.

Anica and Alex Anica and Alex

Anica and Alex

Anica and Alex are our patients from Germany, check out their story of successful fertilization.

Andrea and Herbert from Austria Andrea and Herbert from Austria

Andrea and Herbert from Austria

Watch the video review of our patients Andrea and Herbert from Austria. How difficult was their entire journey to fulfill their dream of a family?

Other references

To my lovely Michaela


Isabel C.


Our Little Cube Family are all doing really really well :-) Evie is now 4yrs and little Jake is 20 months!

Evie started School this year and is just LOVING it! She is very sociable and very bright, she is our ray of joy and sunshine! Jake is our cheeky chappy! Full of Fun and Mischief!He makes us laugh every day, they both do! We are forever grateful to our lovely donor for this beautiful gift that she has given us :-)

You may remember that I wrote to you shortly after Jake's Birth, wondering if our lovely Donor would be available.We were delighted to hear that she has since started her own little family :-)

Isabel C.



Hi Michaela!! Emma here. Just wanted to update you with my pregnancy. I'm 22 weeks now unbelievably. I had a scan yesterday and all seems well. One twin is a little short but hopefully he'll catch up!
Thanks again and again for all your amazing work. I'll always be thankful to you and the doctors and my amazing donor. I've truly never been happier!




Daniela our co-ordinator was amazing, she made us feel very important and was always there to answer any query. She made the whole process seem much easier. The clinic and all the staff were very professional throughout! Lorna



We are very happy with the treatment we received at IVF Cube. I gave birth to a healthy baby girl by egg donation just over a year after initially contacting the clinic. Coordinator Daniela was our point of contact throughout. She was excellent - very quick to respond to my many emails with helpful responses and was very patient with my many questions. This was so helpful in minimising the stress of the process. We found that the clinic was very quick and flexible in arranging all appointments and treatments. We were very happy with our initial consultation. The clinic seemed clean and professional. Clinical staff were very thorough and we felt we could trust their advice. All of our questions were answered and a plan was prepared for us with the medication required for preparation. Ultimately we feel very fortunate with the first time success and birth of a healthy baby girl. We hope to return for further cycles.



From the start of our IVF journey we could not have asked for better care an attention. The team is amazing and we now have our wonderful, perfect little baby, whom we love with all of our hearts. "Thank you" is not strong enough to articulate the gratitude and appreciation we have for the CUBE team.




Hi Michaela

We have just had a beautiful, healthy baby boy and it wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for Cube clinic. We were trying for years in Ireland and did numerous rounds with clinics in Ireland with no luck. My egg quality seemed to be an issue and my husband had a low sperm count and motility. After a lot of research we chose Prague and Cube as we had belief that their technology and staff expertise was superior to Ireland. We did the start of the cycle in Ireland and flew over for the egg collection and stayed to transfer. On the day of collection we were disappointed with only 2 eggs collected and lost belief we would succeed. One embryo survived to day 2 and then we did a day 3 transfer. I did acupuncture in the clinic before and after the procedures which they offer.

The transfer was very calm, very comfortable and we were left to relax immediately after it. Given we only had one I didn't believe we could be so lucky, but we were! 6 weeks ago I gave birth to our beautiful son, nearly 4 years after starting our IVF journey and it is worth every single minute of pain and every penny spent. We will be returning again in a few months to try for a little sister or brother and genuinely believe that there's no where else that would have got that result for us.

Dr Hana was our lead Doctor and I can highly recommend her. The staff always replied promptly to emails and calls and always gave due diligence to my questions and I always felt supported and that they knew what they were doing.

The logistics was easy enough. We rented an apartment in the town and we enjoyed spending time in the city for the few days. Thank you to all at Cube for making our dreams come true.




Hey Michaela,

Well I had my 12 week scan and all went great. We also did the blood tests to make sure that the babies had no illnesses like down syndrome, etc, and results came back perfect, so my news is finally out!

Everyone is so happy for us, and we're so relieved and forever grateful to you in Cube. Thanks to you guys, our dreams are finally coming true (please god). I prayer to the Infant Jesus of Prague all the time now. He's my new pal ha!
I'll send you a picture of one of the scans, cos it is so adorable.
Thanks so so much again, and I will stay in touch with any updates.
Likewise, stay in touch if you've any big news for me ;-).
You've been amazing and I can never thank you enough!!!!!
Please thank Dr Hana for us too. She has given Tom's family two sets of Smith Twins!!!
Chat soon,

Thanks a mil, Suzy :-) xxx

We would like to say that we are very happy customers


In fact we regret that we did not use you earlier. Your company is very professional. The reception area is serving music fitting to age of your target group. The coffee in the machine is free. You as coordinator are very helpful and responding very fast. Doctors are very confident and the results prove that they were right. The small mistakes happens even to the bests. It only proves that you are humans not machines.

I honestly cannot believe that we will be parents to 3 children ...
