
We consider patient satisfaction our number one priority and that is why we want to make their journey towards a baby as easy and pleasant as possible. Based on regular surveys we have reached an excellent satisfaction rate, exceeding 98%.

Freia and Bernard Freia and Bernard

Freia and Bernard

Freia and Bernard underwent therapy with donated eggs at our clinic, and today they are parents of a beautiful new-born daughter.

Viola & Philipp IVF Story Viola & Philipp IVF Story

Viola & Philipp IVF Story

What are Viola and Philipp's experiences with IVF CUBE treatment? Find out by watching them testify on Video.


Anita & David Sheedy from Ireland Anita & David Sheedy from Ireland

Anita & David Sheedy from Ireland

Patient story testimonial by Anita and David from Ireland who have decided to undergo IVF treatment in the Czech Republic at our IVF CUBE clinic Prague.

Anica and Alex Anica and Alex

Anica and Alex

Anica and Alex are our patients from Germany, check out their story of successful fertilization.

Andrea and Herbert from Austria Andrea and Herbert from Austria

Andrea and Herbert from Austria

Watch the video review of our patients Andrea and Herbert from Austria. How difficult was their entire journey to fulfill their dream of a family?

Other references



The treatment we required was not available in our own country. The clinic we used at home works alongside Cube and so it was recommended to us. What surprised me was a great information, feedback & help from staff.



Everything was SOO clean and white and immaculate! It has an excellent reputation.



I liked how professional and friendly the staff in the Cube was. I had a fantastic co-ordinator in Repromed Ireland. She was a huge help and was always at the end of the phone. Language barrier was something I was worried about but it turned out perfect.



The treatment was very professional. I was impressed that I was offered acupuncture. It relaxed me before and afterwards.



I had heard great things about CUBE and in particular of their treatment for older women. I knew we had to go with a donor egg treatment. I chose the clinic because of good reviews online and guidance from satellite clinic. What surprised me was the empathy from all staff. The easiness of dealing with staff.



I chose your clinic because of a good reputation. I was surprised how wonderful your clinic was.



The staff were so friendly and professional. The contact is excellent, everything is looked after. The success rates are true - I am 8 months pregnant with the first attempt!



Everyone was nice and friendly, down to the receptionist. It’s a different country for us and IVF is so stressful, anyway both myself and my husband felt at ease throughout the treatment. It was my first time going for IVF so everything was different. We had to have a second round of treatment, which was successful and we were nervous about that. It did work and we now have the most beautiful 19 month old girl.



I chose your clinic because I was advised that this was the best option, and it was anonymous, which was what we wanted. You were so well looked after you your own doctor/Clinic at home and also by the staff in Cube IVF, we had use my husband’s sperm and the whole process for transport to Cube IVF was so easy (this is organized by your home clinic). When we first arrived at Cube IVF everyone was so nice and helpful as well as being so professional, everything was explained to me and my husband from beginning to end and we did worry about the language barrier, but there was absolutely no problem at all. After egg collection from the donor and fertilization we had three embryos and on my first visit I had two implanted, which unfortunately failed. But we returned within a couple of months for our last embryo and we have our beautiful little girl now, we will be forever thankful for our treatment in Cube IVF we waited ten years and four failed IVF treatment at home for our little miracle baby. Good luck ladies never given up ??



Your clinic was recomended to me by my friend that had successfull treatment here. Donor egg treatment was not really available in Ireland at the time. So we chose Cube based on a recommendation and because of the success rates.